Staci Collins Staci Collins

Executive Resumes

"My current resume has become a millstone around my neck – numerous iterations from the original have turned it into an unwieldy monster that sits on the page, luring back at me, daring me to challenge it to do something!"

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Staci Collins Staci Collins

How to master in-person interviews

Have you ever come out of an interview and thought, "well, that could have gone better"? If so, don't despair… Here are the top 10 premises/tips the client above used to turn around her performance in < 7 days.

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Staci Collins Staci Collins

Origin of Staci’s Real Edge

My late mother, who rose from a Jim Crow childhood to become a globally traveled (30+ trips), vocational consultant, said to me in the 90s, “Staci, no one wants to hear my story; they want to hear from someone important.”

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