Crack the job market with
Think finding your next Ideal role is impossible? Then you’re not using your Real Edge in resumes & interviews.
Let’s face it – competing for a job today can make one sensitive, tender. Whether you’re hunting for a promotion or a new career, underemployed or looking for over a year now, being rejected or even ghosted by employers and recruiters can make you doubt your whole career & want to give up. If only you had some tools to make yourself more competitive & resilient. Well now, you do.
The Power of Your Real Story
Build credibility
My resume & interview tools / process are built on top of behavioral science learnings updated weekly. To take the guesswork out of rapid influence. We also de-*fang any lingering difficult emotions (e.g. imposter syndrome) with a scientifically proven, DIY meditation.
Then we approach stories from the business context – strategic & operational – that you faced & bested – so you can be assured they are rapidly translatable to new markets or professions. With that business savvy, you can offer the kind of insights that are exciting & relevant – to hiring managers, recruiters & all those you meet along the way.
Reveal your passion
Mary N. | Engineering Leader
“After having not interviewed for over 8 years, I reached out to Staci to help me get my resume in order and find my next great adventure. Staci helped me figure out what I really wanted, organize my work experience to paint a picture of the value I bring, and get not one, but 2 great offers that were hard to choose between. Staci has a foolproof method of getting everything aligned for not just a successful job search, but to also figure out what you really want in your career”.

Client Success!
Andrew T. | Growth Stage Operator
“After 8 interviews at one company, I got picked out of 380 applicants for the exact COO/ executive organizational leadership level role I was looking for. I beat out someone with 15 years more experience. It's amazing how much deeper the work she does is - this is NOT just resume writing! Working with Staci was easily one of the best (if not the best) investments I've ever made”.
Staci Collins
My Mom was a vocational consultant, my Dad a Dean, so I grew up with stories of lives fulfilled & unfulfilled discussed nightly around our dinner table.
This fired in me an early passion to help folks engineer career & life fulfillment. I followed this passion through psych. anthropology (Harvard), career advising + org. behavior MBA (Haas), change management (Accenture), performance coaching (Ernst & Young) - then back to career advising (IvyExec) - to now have helped 3,000+ leaders (mostly STEM) to engineer fulfilled careers at leading firms & orgs, e.g., Apple, Google, MSFT, NVIDIA, Patagonia, UCSF. And so many more.
Is it your turn now? Grab a Free slot below - on me!
You Deserve your Real Career!
Job Winning Resume & Interview Resources
gDrive toolkits, coaching, job coaching network & ad hoc support are at your disposal.
3000+ clients have signed up to shift into their Real Edge.