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Staci’s Career Surprise

My ideal career this year turned 45! Yes, older than many of You. 💃🏽😉

So, to celebrate please drop by - even if for just a moment - to *Staci's Surprise Party Zoom on Dec 9th 4 to 6p PT. 🥳 (click to add to calendar)

We can muse on pride - good & bad! (see below) & share gifts of any insight, experience, learning, or result you've received from me. And I will share the same with you!

If you can join us, even for a moment, please do! (If not, my client newsletter will be starting up again & I'm launching my Real Edge app stay tuned.)


To get your *pride reflection started...

  • There are two kinds of pride, both good and bad. 'Good pride' represents our dignity and self-respect. 'Bad pride' is the deadly sin of superiority that reeks of conceit and arrogance. John C. Maxwell

False Pride

  • “Pride goeth before destruction, And a haughty spirit before a fall. Better it is to be of a humble spirit with the lowly, Than to divide the spoils with the proud.” Proverbs 16:18-20 KJV

Proper Pride

  • Proper pride (deep pleasure or satisfaction in one’s achievements or those of beloved associates).

  • “Generosity is giving more than you can, and pride is taking less than you need.” Khalil Gibran


I hope to see some of you a week from Saturday.

Until we next catch up, my greatest Thanks to You! 👏🏽

Best wishes to You & Yours for a deeply pleasurable holiday season!